A New Year 2010 goals

1/01/2010 09:28:00 AM Posted by Jesus Day Gifts

I am very excited a new year is upon us and my goals should take me further in a relationship with God, myself, my family and with mankind.

This year my resolutions are of course the old standby, to lose weight. This is always a struggle and I find myself starting and stopping exercise routines. I will pray heavily that God blesses me this year with persistence, stamina, and the deep desire to make my body strong and healthy. He after all only gave us one body to use, I should be taking better care of it.

My next goal is to do more with my family. To help my oldest son with his struggles in ADHD, to find the right doctor for my daughter's up coming surgery, to help my next son with his socialization and learn to rely and trust in people and my youngest to keep installing strong manners and get him on the path to reading, spelling, etc.... I ask God to give me the persistence to find the correct path to accomplish what I need to for my family.

My next goal this year is to help MUIB become a true organization that people truly want to be involved in and to be seen as a serious place for business education.

Next, to learn every aspect of running a non-profit, to find the right people for a board of directors, to raise awareness to domestic violence, and to get my online gift shop stats higher.

Building stronger relationships with my fellow friends, acquaintances and family.

My last goal and the most important is to start reading my bible and journaling. I need and want a relationship with God that has even more meaning, closeness, and trust with our savior.
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Message from Jesus Day Gifts