Motivation - It effects so much of our lives

1/19/2010 07:29:00 AM Posted by Jesus Day Gifts

Are you a person that tends to be unmotivated during certain parts of the month, week, day? Do you sit and struggle with feelings of "I know I have to do this but I just can't push myself to make that first step"?

I do all the time. I go through weeks where I am plowing through what I need to do, then I hit a point I feel completely lazy, unmotivated, and just want to walk away from everything. Of course I don't walk away for good but it is something I struggle with.

What suggestions or ways do you use to keep you going? When the rest of the world is spinning around you and there is so much else that needs to be taken care of, how do you fit it all into a day?
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Message from Jesus Day Gifts